Since I lived in Korea and Korea is very developed and part of the global economy, I thought I had a good idea of what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that there is a MUCH bigger variety of familiar groceries than I expected. Yes, they are a little more expensive but not too bad and not as bad as I thought they would be. Electronics and other items...... not so much. I was rather unpleasantly surprised with that. They are for sure more expensive. 😞
Some shopping misc things: I went to the Diaso. It was cute and everything Diaso is, but even the Daiso was a little pricey. In the Korean Daiso most items were around $1. In the US Daiso most items are $1.50. Here most items were around $2.
At the first grocery store we went to I found one of my favorite candy bars. It's totally random and I think what I like most about them is the memory of them and the fact that they're hard to find. No, not Pinkies- which probably are my all time favorites. It was the chunky caramel KitKat. I first found them in either Fiji or Australia- I don't remember which one. They were so common and I just figured it was a new thing that came out and that we would have them in the States. When I got home I was very disappointed to discover that no one had them. After being back for 1.5 years and moving from Texas to Arizona I actually found them at the 7-11 right by my house. And then that 7-11 burned down and I haven't seen them since, until I came here.
We went to Ikea. Seemed a little pricier than normal but still very much the same. I bought a couple of shoe cubbies for all my shoes and spent 2 hours assembling them when I got home. I really missed my sister Rebecca who is known for being very good at assoymbing things. BTW- I love TOMS, as you can tell in the photo of my shoe cubby.
That's not how I pictured a shoe cubby. I expected it to be more like what you left here. :-)