Thursday, August 14, 2014


Growing up we never moved. Never. Ever. My dad proposed to my mom in the basement of our house. To be fair, my grandparents owned our house before my parents and my parents moved in three months before I was born (I'm the middle child of 5) and then they stayed- FOREVER!

I was always jealous of kids that moved and the kids that got to be the new kids at school. So I made up for it by moving A LOT after I graduated high school. I moved 22 times in 11 years! I've lost track now but I have slowed down. I only move every 2-3 years now but when I move, I move big.

Big moves- like moving overseas- require a lot of editing. Every time I do it I think, "How on Earth did I get this much crap in just a couple of years?!"

I'm lucky because this time I have a shipping allowance. Yea!!! I get to take with me way more than I ever have in the past, which is awesome. I still had to get rid of A LOT of stuff. Going through all my stuff is a fun trip down memory lane. This time I kept finding foreign currency. Great memories from great trips.

all the different currencies I kept finding when I went through my things

Every time I go through it, I really do get rid of even more stuff, but I still end up with a pile of things I just can't part with yet and I can't take with me. Luckily, my parents have a space in the basement, under the stairs, with all the spiders and who knows what else, that is kinda reserved for me.

Since I'm living in California this required a quick trip back to Idaho, which was fine by me because I loved getting see my mom and dad and nieces (and my brother and sis-in-law) one more time before I leave.

my car all packed up and ready to go

I also got to help my mom with a yard sale which I used to help get rid of some of that crap I gathered over the past two year. My nieces set up a cotton candy/lemonade/ snow cone stand and we had a yard sale party.

our super awesome yard sale signs my dad made

the yard sale party- I'm pretty sure we added more things after this was taken. 
my niece and her friend/neighbor selling cotton candy, snow cones, and lemonade at the yard sale

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