Sorry- I haven't posted for awhile. I was in survival mode for a little bit there. It was pretty much taking everything for me to just make it to Eid. It's now in the middle of Eid and I am doing my best to squander away this precious extra time I have- and need- to get my life organized. I'll hit it hard on Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm taking a trip to the ridge- the only geographic feature in Kuwait, but more on that after I've gone and come back.
Part of the reason I haven't posted is because I hit a very deep and thick part of the sludge. I'm lucky to have done this moving thing SEVERAL times and the moving overseas thing a few times. I've moved to different cities/ states 8 times and this is my 3rd time overseas. Every time you move, the first three months are the most difficult and I think it takes a full year most times before you really feel comfortable and part of the community. When it's a new country that's all amplified.
The first three months are the sludge. It's like walking through waist deep, thick mud. You can do it, but it's just so much harder and slower than it was before. EVERYTHING takes longer, everything is confusing. You are still figuring what you're doing and where to go to get things. It takes time to build those muscles and get used to your new situation. I know this so I just keep swimming.
Oh, I have my mini break downs now and then when everything seems to happen at once and I just can't take it anymore. I had one last week. Getting things sorted with my visa/Civil ID has been an even bigger hassle than it normally is, than it is for 90% of the other new teachers- just because I'm lucky like that. That has caused a domino effect of other hassles, such as getting my bank account set up and actually being able to get paid on our first pay day. Dealing with all this may have caused me to be a bit short tempered last week. It also caused me to miss our first field trip so that sucked. And I may have felt like I was being targeted for everything when I was just trying to do my best. *sigh*
I could go on but I won't. One of things about being in the sludge is you have to be careful not to wallow in it too long or you'll drown.
Let's end on a good note... A sneak peak if you will. My house got painted today. I went with a very nice grey. And I bought a rug. I thought the rug worked with the room but it has now made me hate the brown couches and maroon curtains even more. I will be looking for slip covers and curtains for sure! I'm thinking black curtains and white/cream slip covers. And some good throw pillows with color- silver, black, white, the same shade of blue/teal as the rug..... What else would go? I realize the pink desk doesn't match, but it was free. I may paint it black if I can. Not sure it's paintable....