Sunday, September 7, 2014

1/3 of the school in pics

Our school is HUGE. I've still really only been in 1/3-1/2 of it. I have no idea what the high school part looks like. I know we have a soccer field on the roof and tennis courts I think- something really cool- but I have yet to see that. Actually, I have no desire to see that part until the high for the day is in the low 90s. Here are some pics of the elementary parts of the school. 
Playground that the 3-5 grades use

The kindergarten playground

The playground grades 1 and 2 use. The classrooms are both levels. My classroom is next to the window with papers in it on the first floor- near to the doors and the corner.  
Different angle-this is looking back from the other side. The canteen is that white part on the far side the kids can buy popcorn, pizza and I'm not sure what else there. The kids eat lunch in the classroom and then go outside to play. If they haven't finished there are a few tables for them outside.
The hallway. They all look the same. There are about four like this. 
The mailbox and copy room - yes, we have that many teachers. Elementary is pre-k, kg-1, kg-2, grades 1-5 and each grade level has 6-7 classes. It totally blows my mind. In the US I think most schools have 3-4 classes per grade. 

The new multi purpose room.
Different angle looking back.
There's another multi purpose room I didn't get a picture of. It just looks like a big, empty, tiled room. It's at the corner where the two halls meet. 
And the new indoor elementary gym. 

This is my classroom when I first got it- as a reminder...

And this is the classroom now. It's not super fancy. They actually discourage us putting lots of things on the walls because they want it to be student generated. 

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