Saturday, April 25, 2015

Spring Break!- Nepal part 2

Off to Chitwan! Another tourist bus, but this one was much better than the first one. This one had free wifi- which I LOVE- and they gave us all a big bottle of water. Chitwan was only about 4-5 hours from Pohara so that also helped.

I was at a resort type place that was all inclusive, so I was with a group of people from the hotel for all the tours and stuff. The first night we went to the Tharu village and took a look around the Tharu museum and had a look in one of the houses in the village. The Tharu are the local people in the area and the museum talked about their culture and traditions. They were getting ready for dinner when we walked through. They were very friendly and the simple lifestyle brought back memories of Peace Corps. After that we walked by where they keep some of the elephants they use in the National Park and down by the river to watch the sunset. We kinda missed the sunset- got there right after, but that's ok. We were supposed to go to a cultural show that night but I was talking with a girl in the lobby that had gone the night before and decided I wasn't interested. She showed me a video on her phone and said it was pretty much an hour of that. She said I wouldn't miss much and I agreed.

The next day we went on an elephant safari through Chitwan National Park. Chitwan is known for "its protection of One Horned Rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tiger and Gharial Crocodile." We witnessed first hand the efforts the rhinos were making in preserving their species-- a little more than we really needed to see. We only saw the one pair of rhinos and then we didn't really see anything else. That could be due to the very loud Chinese tourists on an elephant near ours. They would not shut up! I was like, you do realize we're trying to see wildlife, right? The German girl on the same elephant as me said she almost told them to shut up-- so I wasn't the only one annoyed with them. One guy was even talking on his cell phone. :( grrrr

After that we went to a place where they bathe the elephants in the river. You can get on the elephants and get all wet and stuff with them. The elephant will spray you and dump you off their backs into the river. It was very theme parky... I just watched for a little bit and then I went back to the hotel. Later in the afternoon we took a canoe down the river to see crocodiles. After the crocs we walked through the jungle to where they have an elephant breeding place. I guess they let the wild male elephants come and breed with these females at this facility. The elephants seemed mostly well looked after. It's hard to tell and I don't know enough about elephants, but I didn't see anything I thought was super horrible.

Chitwan was actually HOT. Like, low 90s(F)/30s(C) kind of hot. I was not expecting to be hot in Nepal. I was totally unprepared for that. It was also a nice little town. It is very touristy, but it is more about nature and it was nice. It was nice to not be in a big city with lots of cars and a big street with lots of tourist shops. They still had those, but not like Kathmandu or even Pokhara. It was just very different from what I think of when I think of Nepal. I guess I usually think of the big mountains and cold when it really is more tropical.

Free wifi! and that's the special room for the driver and guides. 

I had a window seat this time so I took a bunch of shots of the Nepal countryside .

These guys were mostly trying to get people to stay at different hotels in town. I was glad I already had one booked. My guy is in there somewhere I think. 

The name of the building my room was in. Totally appropriate I thought. :) 

The grounds at the resort. This is right outside my room. 

The first night we traveled by ox. That was a first for me. 

Tharu house made of mud and straw. You have to keep re-mudding it- I think every year. 

hemp growing by the road

the decorations on the museum

A Chitwan trafffic jam. :) 

elephant treats- rice wrapped up in grass

This is what happens when the hotel only has wifi in the lobby. 

The crowd watching. 

The tourists that wouldn't shut up and ruined our chances of seeing any wildlife. :( 

In Nepal the chips are sold by country. :) 

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